Trusted, Certified, and Ready Cold Call Pros Behind Your Calls

At Cold Call Me, our services thrive on the exceptional skill and unwavering commitment of our team members. For us, every call transcends a mere task—it embodies our relentless pursuit of propelling your success forward.


US Based Talent, Globally Recognized Skills

When deciding between building an internal team or outsourcing business development, one crucial factor often overlooked is the actual cost of hiring a Sales Development Representative.

In San Francisco, the average base salary for a Sales Development Representative is around $58,000, with a total estimated cost of $80,000 when factoring in commissions. The cost of recruitment alone ranges from 12% to 22% of the salary, bringing the total cost of a sales rep to $129,220.

Additionally, the management of resources and technical expenses, such as database systems and software license fees, are commonly underestimated costs.

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Challenges We Address

Inconsistent volumes of outbound leads
Disorganized records of contacts and companies
Limited financial budget for deploying outbound lead generation initiatives
Below-average levels of email engagement
Limited availability of time and resources
Challenges in finding certified and dependable Sales Development Representatives (SDRs)
Challenges in connecting with your Target audience
Challenges in overseeing and coordinating outbound teams
Undefined Ideal Customer Profiles (ICPs)

Vetting for Excellence

Phase 1 – AI Powered Screening

Our initial step entails harnessing state-of-the-art AI technology to meticulously screen high-performing Sales and Business Development Reps. This advanced AI assessment evaluates a range of criteria, such as technical skills, industry knowledge, and experience level. Candidates undergo a thorough evaluation to ascertain if their professional background and experience align with industry expertise and a proven track record of success.

Phase 2– Top 1% Selection

After successfully passing the AI screening process, chosen candidates progress to personalized interviews led by our team of human evaluators. This stage involves a thorough examination of each candidate's profile, focusing not only on their technical prowess but also on their communication skills (especially conversational marketing techniques), problem-solving strategies, and the essential qualities needed to shine in their respective roles.

Phase 3 – Top 1% Selection

In the final stage, we merge the outcomes of both AI vetting and personal assessments to identify the top 1% of standout profiles. Through a thorough evaluation of each candidate's performance across various dimensions and criteria, we pinpoint individuals who exhibit excellence and long-term potential. The cream of the crop is then presented to the CEO of Cold Call Me, streamlining the selection process to connect top talent with the right businesses seamlessly.

Hear Us in Action

Experience our approach firsthand. Listen to these call samples and hear the quality and professionalism we bring to every interaction.

Call Sample Recording 1

Client Background Context - Industry leading Data protection experts, focuses on developing ultra-secure and innovative data security products and services. Ten of the top Fortune 100 companies trust their digital forensics, data recovery services, file repair, and our award winning managed FIPS-validated hardware-encrypted drives every day.

Data Provider - Zoom Info

ICP - Director of IT @ Fortune 100 Company

Intent Topic - Data Security & Data Recovery Search

We established a purchasing committee tailored to our clients' Ideal Customer Profile. By creating a targeted list aligned with their ICP, we successfully engaged with key decision-makers interested in learning more about their products. Our campaign aimed to schedule an introductory call with our client's Director of Sales, our strategy leveraged Intent Topic searches to connect with key stakeholders. This introductory cold call led to an opportunity within their sales cycle worth $250k

Call Sample Recording 2

Client Background Context - We established a purchasing committee tailored to our clients' Ideal Customer Profile. By creating a targeted list aligned with their ICP, we successfully engaged with key decision-makers interested in Business IT and Security Services Provider

Targeted List included a specific zip code. (Territory)

Audience - C-Level Executives within specific employee size and revenues, job titles and functions. Director of IT etc.

Intent Topic -Managed IT Providers Search

Data Provider - Zoom Info

Our approach - In our strategy, we proactively engaged with organizations to understand any challenges they were experiencing with their existing IT provider. Our aim was to gather valuable insights and customize our clients’ value proposition to suit their prospects specific organizational problems they were facing. Our approach involved more subtle communication rather than the traditional hard-sell tactics.

Why Hire a Remote Workforce?

Unlimited Opportunities

Commuting is a hassle no one enjoys, but it's often seen as a necessary part of the workday. In the US, the average person spends nearly 27 minutes commuting to work each way, eating up precious time and limiting job options to those close to home. However, with our remote team, these constraints vanish, allowing employees to pursue their ideal career without the need to uproot their lives.

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Environmentally Conscious

Traditional office buildings consume vast amounts of resources like electricity, water, and heat, while also generating significant waste. Add in the pollution from daily commutes, and the sustainability of offices becomes questionable. We offer a solution that benefits both the planet and the bottom line of businesses. By eliminating the need for physical office space, we cut down on expenses and help reduce the carbon footprint of both employers and employees.

Enhanced Productivity

Working remotely may seem unconventional, but it's proven to boost productivity. Eliminating the daily commute not only lifts morale but also gives employees more time to focus on their tasks. Whether recovering from illness or adjusting to new family dynamics, remote work allows employees to return to work sooner and more efficiently. Recognizing that different individuals have unique work styles, we embrace flexibility, enabling employees to work when and where they perform best. This freedom not only fosters happiness but also minimizes distractions that can hinder productivity in a traditional office setting.


Fostering Employee Loyalty

By offering perks like flexible schedules and no commute, we cultivate a sense of appreciation and loyalty among our team. Empowering employees to integrate work seamlessly into their lives creates a strong sense of gratitude that translates into long-term commitment to the client. Why look elsewhere for employment when they already have the ideal work environment?

Ready to Elevate Your Lead Generation?

Our team is your team. Book a demo with us today and discover the Cold Call Me difference in driving your business forward.